These are Serious Times that Require Serious Solutions
For Our Children:
A strong public education that leads to greater pathways of opportunity by Diversifying the Educational Landscape
I will work diligently for Head Start, Pre-K, K-12 and University availability and accessibility. I will also work and promote Career and Technical Education (CTE ) because it may be a better pathway for some of our students.
Better pay and benefits for our retained and recruited educators
One-third​ of Tennessee's teachers are retirement eligible NOW. Tennessee has to address this present need by creating a more efficient and effective licensing model.
I will stand up for teachers and education by holding the Governor and our Legislators to their word. When they commit to giving our teachers a raise they should Honor their Word
Diversify the Educational Landscape
I will work diligently for Head Start, Pre-K, K-12 and University availability and accessibility. I will also work and promote Career and Technical Education (CTE ) because it may be a better pathway for some of our students.